Friday, December 21, 2012


A lot of people say "Merry Christmas" so many times, they forget what it really means.
Some people have more than enough, and fail to appreciate it, while others shiver in a cold room, and feel really bad about not being able to provide the things they need for their families.

I want to take this time to publicly thank my God for all of His blessings. I also want to share an email from my youngest daughter. I enjoyed this very much as she talks about the real meaning of Christmas.

I hope that each one of you who read my blog have a wonderful year.

Tim put up our Christmas lights outside last night. A very scaled down
version. We have been gone or had company or something every night of
December it seems like and there has just simply not been time for him to
do it. The babies kept asking him when he was going to put them up, so in
the dark last night he strung lights across the front of the house. I put
up the tree last week. Kaleb spend the night with us last night so he
could help papa put up the lights. Yesterday morning he asked me when papa
was going to put up the lights and I just casually said I think tonight. Well........when it was time for his mama to take him home yesterday he
absolutely refused to go. Big tears running down his face..he was going to
stay and help papa. So cute and so sad..I begged for him to stay. And he
had soooo much fun. I took him to Wal-Mart to get him some pajamas to
sleep in and some clean socks. He ran up and down the ladder after Tim
saying "alright! I'm going up! Who's with me." So blooming cute.
AND.... for the first time EVER here I sit so smug! I bought everything
online the first of December and had it delivered to my house. I have
intended to try this for years and oh my goodness I will never go shopping
for Christmas again. It is so much easier to browse online,, etc. You never have to walk down the aisle exhausted and feet
aching, Tim griping "aren't you done yet?? just get that!" Just click on
the size, color and wait on it to arrive. If one place don't have what you
want you just click on another site instead of driving to another store.
Just sat at my desk sipping coffee. Everyone had free shipping for
Christmas. It is wonderful!
I do have to take it out of the boxes and wrap it. Wish they would send it
wrapped and I would really be happy! LOL!!
Stephanie and Marcie said at Thanksgiving that they would like to do a
"Dirty Santa" type gift exchange for Christmas - everyone bring a $10
gift (just the adults). Do you want to? If so we need to make sure
everyone knows about it.
We plan to be at dad and mom's around 5 p.m. Christmas Eve. We are meeting
Jackson at 11 a.m. at Western Sizzlin and then to his house, but we should
be done buy 4:30ish.
Looking forward to fun times!!

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