Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jethro Finds Love

A Dog Named Jethro Finds Mercy 

After being gone from home for several days, I ran into my computer room to catch up on my emails and different projects that I am working on. My two daughters and I try to keep an email going around with family news in it. The dog in the picture above is one lucky guy. My daughter, Teresa, and her son Travis, were driving along a country road recently. They came upon two young dogs, that had been abandoned by the side of a dirt road. One was too far gone by starvation to save. This one looked like it could make it, so my grandson went back and coaxed it into his vehicle. Here is the note that his mom sent to her sister and me.

The chickens and goats sound SO good and self-sufficient! The kids love
animals and I think it is good for them to experience country life! We have
an old stray doggie that was starving, I attached a picture above - we don't
know what kind of dog he is, or where he came from. Keith told Travis to just
bring him over to the house so he could roam around where there were lots of houses
that he could get some food and not starve - WELL, he isn't leaving - he gets in
the dog house early so the labs will let him in - if he is already in there
they just get in with him, but if he is last they won't let him in - LOL!
Actually, the kids love him and we don't mind him being around. He LOVES my
scrapes, even more than the dog food.

Thanks, Teresa for a great big heart. Jethro would say thanks if he could speak your language! Don't be surpised if he pays you back in a great big way someday.

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