Monday, January 23, 2012


Isaiah 40:31
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strenght; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.

Let this be the day that you let it go!

Resentment, anger, grudges, hurt, prejudice, a non forgiving attitude and any other emotion that is holding you down.
How do you do that? Take a long, hard look at the people or the situations that are an agitation to you. You may not be able to go back far enough into their background to find the difficulties that are gouging them.
Everyone has had to climb up long, hard roads to reach they place they are in today. Most people have baggage they are carrying from their past.

Sometimes we are like a big bunch of fish caught in a net and tangled up together. Thrashing, tugging and pulling, fighting and hating for reasons that don’t even make sense.
Trashing treasure
Years ago as I passed our living room window, a brilliant sparkle of light caught my eye on the far side of the pond by the side of our house. It kept winking and flashing so much that I sent my young daughter to go check it our while I kept my eye on it from the window. I carefully guided her to the object. When she reached it, she picked it up.
“Is this it?” she called. “Why this is just an old rock!”
She tossed it into the water and I watched as it twinkled out of sight. What in the world was making that rock sparkle and flash so? It had something hidden underneath the crusty, brown outside that she didn't take the time to discover.

Sometimes that is the way we do each other. That can be our loss.

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